Meet Sydney

Seasoned stage/studio performer
and vocal hype-woman

Singing helped me find my place as a kid

Growing up in a military family meant that we moved around a lot—singing was my constant joy I could tap into no matter where we went. I got involved in community choirs, musical theater productions, and quickly found that performing and creating with others were two of my favorite things.

Singing led me to deeper questions that needed answering

As I pursued a music business degree, I found myself hitting some obstacles. My vocal training (while wonderful) wasn’t taking me in the direction of the music I truly wanted to sing. Heading into my 20’s, I wrestled with not only how I wanted to sound, but who I wanted to be and how I wanted to spend my time. I did a lot of soul searching alongside seeking out further vocal training that aligned with my growing vision, and slowly but surely things started to take shape.

Singing continues to connect me even more deeply with myself and with the world around me

All that hard work exploring my voice and asking some deep questions led to such a wonderful place! Not only do I feel more at home with myself than ever, but I feel more confident as a performer. I sing regularly in multiple settings and styles knowing how to manage my voice well and I enjoy connecting and collaborating with other artists without fear of imposter syndrome driving my train.

You have your own “home base” within you. That place where you know yourself, your voice, and how to foster both well. I’m here to help you connect with that place so that you can go out into the world as your best self—sharing your voice, connecting with others, and loving every minute of it.

Sydney Burris