Are virtual singing lessons worth it?

When I began teaching virtually back in 2020, it was out of necessity—singing was difficult to do safely during the height of a pandemic, so many of us began singing in online spaces. While I wasn’t sure what to expect at first, I’m happy to say that some of my best experiences I’ve had as a voice teacher and coach so far have been in the connections I’ve made on Zoom with singers from all over the US. Not only that, but I did some virtual training of my own through a voice teaching certification program offered online through New York Vocal Coaching with Justin Stoney in the winter of 2020. Hands down one of the best decisions I ever made!

As we are all gradually returning to in-person work spaces, gatherings, etc, the question arises: how much of the virtual connection do we want to keep, and how much do we need to let go of? As it comes to voice lessons, is it still worth it to have a virtual singing lesson when you could possibly find a place to learn in-person? Here are some highlights of virtual singing lessons that won’t be going away anytime soon, and some considerations to help you decide if virtual lessons are the next right step for you.

In a virtual voice lesson with Daniel from Houston

The Benefits of Virtual Voice Lessons:

1) Time efficient

Growing up, every voice lesson I ever went to required traveling a particular distance. I remember driving at least an hour back and forth with my mom every other week to my voice teacher’s house when I was in middle school. I’m thankful we had the ability to carve out that kind of time, AND that I had such a quality teacher I could access in person for that season. But what if you don’t have that kind of time to travel, and/or what if you can’t find a quality teacher close near your location?

A virtual voice lesson makes it much easier for you to invest in yourself while also saving yourself time and energy. I have found for myself as a teacher that I have more energy to bring to my singers by having the flexibility of teaching virtually from home. Many of my singers take a break in the middle of their at-home schedule to have a lesson and it helps to energize the rest of their day. Others are able to come straight home from work, unload, and then hop into a Zoom voice lesson relaxed because they know they’re done traveling for the day and they get to sing in a space they are comfortable with.

2) Unlimited by location

When I was looking to get my voice teaching certification back in 2020, I knew I wanted to work with a program that met my specific goals and values. While I knew some other amazing teachers in the area who I could train and work with, even they had gained their training from online programs whose founders were located in other cities. By choosing to get my certification through a program in New York, I widened my network and placed myself among other singers who I knew could help me grow and continue to be a support for me in the future.

Virtual voice lessons allow you to connect with the best teacher for YOU, no matter your location. If you are passionate about a particular style, technique, or aspect of singing that a local teacher has not been able or interested in helping you with, there is a wealth of teachers online who are more than happy to explore with you! I am a voice teacher in Austin, Texas and in the past two years alone I’ve had singers that work with me virtually from Georgia, Alabama, California, Utah, and Washington (maybe someday I’ll be able to claim all 50 states!). I love getting to connect with singers from all over, and it reminds me of how lucky we are to have the technology that allows us to share our love of singing across such a wide scope.

3) Clearer communication

This one may seem strange, but I have found that my communication as a voice teacher and my singers’ ability to communicate about their voices has grown exponentially because of us working in an online space. It’s a given that because you are not in the same room, there are a number of variables that have to be worked around in a virtual voice lesson. However, Zoom, Facetime, and other virtual meeting platforms are plenty capable of delivering the visual and audio representation of a person’s voice and physical presence to get things started. A well qualified teacher can hear and see what they need to work with a singer in a virtual space—if they have questions about something they are hearing or what a singer is experiencing in their voice/body, the next step is exactly the same as an in-person lesson: ask the singer for clarifying information.

Whether in-person or virtual, the best singing lessons are ones in which a singer is free to communicate what they are currently experiencing in their voice, and to collaborate with the teacher on what next steps are best for their personal growth and satisfaction with their singing. A virtual lesson setting only heightens the need for this communication to be clear, and because of this I have found that as a teacher I often pay even closer attention and recognize things I wouldn’t have otherwise. As for the things that you might miss out on in a virtual lesson, that actually leads to my final highlight…

4) Leaves you wanting more

While there are some who might be very content to just sing in the comfort of their home forever, I think it’s a given that most people don’t want to sing solely at a phone or a computer for the rest of their life. After a great deal of isolation over the past two years, many people are genuinely longing for in-person connection (myself included!). So why am I still advocating for online singing lessons? Well, for all of the reasons listed above. AND virtual does leave something to be desired—as it should! I encourage my singers to take what they are learning in our virtual learning space out into the places that mean the most to them, whether that’s a community choir, karaoke with friends, singing in a place of worship, auditioning for a musical, etc.

A virtual voice lesson should be a safe, fun, and flexible option for you to explore growth in your voice SO THAT you can sing more fully in-person with greater joy and self assurance. I love empowering singers to explore the places and environments that they dream of singing in and to go after it! A good singing teacher will never try to trap you into a space that makes you feel more isolated, but rather will encourage you to build your own healthy mindset for enjoying your voice and how you would like to share it with others.

In-person connection is the ultimate goal

Virtual connection will never be a full substitute for in-person connection, but it can open doors for unlimited communication/learning possibilities and greater schedule flexibility. If you’ve ever wanted to explore your singing voice but have felt held back by your schedule, your location, or even a fear of singing in-person, then virtual lessons might actually be a great next step for you.

Looking for a safe space to chat about your singing journey and what comes next? Schedule a FREE 30 Minute Call with me and I would love to help you on your way to more joy and creativity in your voice!

Sydney is a voice teacher and coach from Austin, TX. She offers 1 hour virtual voice lessons online as well as the 6 Weeks To Better Singing Program. When she’s not teaching, Sydney enjoys performing with her boyfriend in their band called “Goons”, getting behind the sewing machine, and cuddling with her cute and crazy dog, Radar.


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